Spending two days with 140 preschoolers at GDK (God’s Discovery Kids) preschool is a whirlwind experience. As the director said, “It’s a day of chaotic joy” to spend time with these little people. You’ve got someone saying they have to go potty in the middle of my presentation, another is desperate to tell me about her dog named Bailey when I mention I have a dog, and 45 children rush up when I ask for one volunteer to help pull my “reading friends” from a pair of socks I’ve stuffed them in! But it’s all so wonderful as I project the pages of Claire’s Hair on a large screen in the church sanctuary where we’ve gathered. Three, four and five year olds are silent and glued to the giant illustrations of Claire and her best friend Albert, as I read the story about Claire’s big hairy idea to cheer up her best friend when he loses his hair. When the story ends, one shares that he knows someone who lost their hair and we chat about what kindness means. “It’s being nice,” said one little guy. They all nodded. These tiny friends are ambassadors of kindness. They hug each other, draw heart notes for their mommy, and tell us in so many ways that kindness does matter.

Here is a link to a story I recently saw about a girl who gave up something she really loved (yes, another hair story!) because, well, it is the kind thing to do. https://www.wsaw.com/content/news/8-year-old-girl-cuts-off-hair-for-children-with-cancer–501743551.html